Monday, May 16, 2005

70's porn star

One of my other recent obsessions is a porn star. Now I know what you're thinking but I swear it's more complicated than that.

First, he was a porn star in the 70's, which in and of itself is fascinating. Perhaps it's because during the 70's I had very little of what I would call conscious thought, but I tend to think of everyone in the 70's having very little of what I would call conscious thought. That makes everything seem so sunny and carefree. I mean rollerblading, disco, short shorts, just how serious could everyone have been?

So porn in the 70's seems like just some people getting together and having fun with a super8. 70's Gay porn also has this subversive element to it (well, I suppose in many places it still does), this underground railroad of man-on-man love spreading the word that you're not a freak and all different types of men like to touch eachother. Amen.

Second, he managed to get out of porn and into business. He bought a gym and wrote several books on weight training. That in and of itself isn't too exciting, but wait, it's all connected.

Third, he married (a woman - so strange to have to add this qualifier, but I guess it's necessary nowadays. Yay.). This is where I think it starts getting interesting. Do you explain all the porn to your wife? Do you think think to yourself, hey, it was the 70's everyone was crazy and besides I'm sure the films will disintegrate in a couple of years (and if so, when do you start to freak out about digital data storage and the incredible spread of the internet)?

Fourth he had children (at least one I know of - don't worry, I'm not stalking him, it'll become clear in a second). How on earth do you explain a former career as a gay porn star to your children? I mean I know it's not the end of the world, but I think it's an interesting logistical problem. When's a good time? How do you know when they're ready? And with the internet, how do you know they won't find it first? Or a friend at school tells them. The mind boggles. Or at least mine does.

Fifth, he helped train his son to become one of America's best shot putters (and wrote a book with him about weight training and kids, which is how I know this part). So you see how complex it is. His son is an althlete, he's still involved in athletics and yet there's this gay porn past looming. How does he handle this? Walk tall with pride and screw them all, or worry constantly that it's going to come out in the open? I'd love to know.

Sixth, he was totally hot.

I think this is all terrific documentary material.


Blogger Kyla said...

Make the film! It's a great story.

10:22 AM  

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